Valor Chamberless Licensing
Valor licenses its Valor Chamberless smoke detection IP portfolio, containing over 20 US and foreign patents and other IP, to companies worldwide on a nonexclusive basis. Our licenses include everything needed to seamlessly integrate Valor Chamberless into your products:
Global rights to the entire Valor Chamberless smoke detection IP portfolio
Valor Chamberless smoke detection firmware and algorithms
Starter Kit reference design files
Optomechanical design guidance for your application
On-site or remote engineering support from Valor’s technical staff
After the license is obtained, Valor will provide support through the product development and certification process. While Valor Chamberless has been successfully tested in both UL and EN facilities, the final product design, manufacture, and certification is the responsibility of the licensing company. Fees are fair and reasonable and consist of an initial licensing fee and a recurring unit royalty.
To license the Valor Chamberless smoke detection IP portfolio and begin your product development, please contact us.